William T. Zivic |
Bill Zivic, artist, soldier, merchant seaman, iron miner,
lawman, and world traveler, is a man captivated by the
beauty and romance of the American West.
Born in Ironwood, Michigan in 1930, the son of an iron
miner, Mr. Zivic spent part of his early working life in the
mile-deep iron mines of his native state. His travels have
taken him around the world, to the Orient, to the
battlefields of Korea, to Europe and Africa. In 1960, he
brought his family west and, inspired by its vast beauty and
history, began capturing the West he found on canvas and in
bronze sculpture. As a self-taught artist, his lessons came
under the big sky, in the mountains, on the open range,
among the native plants and animals, from ranch hands and
seasoned cowboys. Today Mr. Zivic's subject matter is still
the landscape of the American West, its fauna and flora, its
history and lore.
Mr. Zivic's award-winning work hangs in many fine galleries
today. His works are displayed in both public and private
collections and can be found in every state of the union as
well as in many foreign countries. His works include
bronzes, oils, acrylics, pen and watercolors and have been
selected for reproduction on bank checks, tableware,
calendars, and greeting cards. In addition to a listing in
Who's Who in American Art, Mr. Zivic is also listed in the
Who's Who in the West. |